
Thursday 12 May 2016

Sleeping Giants (Themis Files #1) by Sylvain Neuvel

Pre Order: Kindle Edition | Hardcover 
Title: Sleeping Giants (Themis Files #1) 
Author: Sylvain Neuvel
Publisher: Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine
Genre: Sci-Fi / Thriller / Fiction / Adult
Hardcover 320 Pages
Publication Date: 26 April 2016

17 years ago: A girl in South Dakota falls through the earth, then wakes up dozens of feet below ground on the palm of what seems to be a giant metal hand. Today: She is a top-level physicist leading a team of people to understand exactly what that hand is, where it came from, and what it portends for humanity. A swift and spellbinding tale told almost exclusively through transcriptions of interviews conducted by a mysterious and unnamed character, this is a unique debut that describes a hunt for truth, power, and giant body parts.

I took this book along with me on holiday, and even though I didn't read it all in one go every morsel that I devoured either on a plane, in bed, or pool side was enough to truly suck me into this thrilling world. I'll normally stick to chick lit, or very easy reads while on holiday, but this book proved to truly be a perfect way to fit adventure, and a book with substance into a week away. 

When you're a fan of science fiction, and a book is compared to the likes of World War Z you can't help but be intrigued. Told through transcripts of interviews and reports this book began as a bit of a challenge for me, but quickly picked up a groove that truly worked. With an array of characters, and giant robotic body parts you can't help but be mesmerised at the prospect of just exactly what will happen next. 

I completely disregarded other comparisons, and tried to take the book in as it's own unique entity. While the book does have a familiar sci-fi feel involving government cover ups, and military operations, this book still managed to have originality. 

The book read like a screenplay to me, and there wasn't a moment where I didn't visualise what it would look like on the big screen. This book needs to be made into a film, as I reckon it could turn into quite a successful franchise. Please turn this into a film. Speaking of films, there was a very Pacific Rim feel to this book, and as a huge fan of Pacific Rim, this was a huge plus. Again, please turn this book into a film.

As you can tell from the title this is the first book in a series, and due to that the ending of the book was a cliffhanger. I was equal parts disappointed and intrigued as to what is to come in the next installments, and I truly hope the book doesn't take a cheesy turn to bad science fiction. 

Sleeping Giants was a fast paced, addicting read that truly pushed your imagination to the limits, all without losing it's human touch. The only downside is that you will have to wait until the end of April 2016 to get your hands on it, but believe me, it is definitely worth the wait! 


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